Last night was a big event at work- a 1000 ticket charity boxing night. This was for non boxers who had learnt to box from scratch in about 3 or 4 months. I put myself forward and did all the training and sparring only to find out a fortnight from the big night there was nobody in the opposition camp near enough to my weight and age to fight against. Never mind, it was a great way of getting fit and I really enjoyed learning how to box. It has certainly given me an appreciation of how fit a boxer needs to be to compete- we only did 3 x 11/2 minute rounds and that was lung busting!! Unfortunately a lad on my shift was knocked out and ended up having a scan in hospital so I hope he's ok.
apart from that I've started doing some coppice work in my local woods- mostly Hazel. A lot of the stools have been neglected for a lot of years but my aim is to rejuvenate them over the next few years. I did a fair bit of work in the area last winter but unfortunately most of it was undone by grazing deer so fingers crossed they don't pass through next spring!